1 + 1 = 1 Our Individual Beginning of Life…and a Motive behind the need for: Specific Upper Cervical Neuro Spinal Correction Procedures.

On April 19, 2016, Posted by , In C1 Atlas, With No Comments

This topic is directed more so at the Lay Public; and a review for Professionals.

1 + 1 = 1    Our Individual Beginning of Life

1.) This is why Specific Upper Cervical Neuro Spinal Correction Providers have chosen their methods of work to bring omni non-Targeted Health benefits to the World’s Public.

2.) Back at the very moment of the beginning of Human Time for all us, past, present, and future…2 Parent (male and female) Cells (1 Sperm + 1 Ovum) join together after an Orgasmic Event, resulting in the 1st Human Cell.

3.) That 1st Cell then divides to form 2 more cells. That Cellular Division repeats until there are a total multiple of 32 cells (according to embryology books from quite a while ago).

4.) At 32 cells large, this microscopic process of Life then divides again, 16 cells separate from the other 16 cells and 1/2 of those cells become the Placenta which attaches itself to the Mother’s uterine wall; where the child’s development will take place during the pregnancy

5.) Upon the two sets of the 16 cells’ separation, three fluid (blood) vessels will be in place to connect the Placenta to the Embryo of the new human life (i.e., the other 16 cells progressing towards development into a full human baby and ready for inevitable birth). Two of these vessels are arteries and one is a vein. The new human requires 2 arteries that will carry nutrient and oxygen rich blood from the new child’s Mother, via her uterus, through the Placenta and then carried through the 2 arteries to the new developing human for the entire term of pregnancy for the approximate + or – 9 months pregnancy (also called Gestation). The contents of the 2 arteries going to the embryo (the baby) are filled with the ingredients to build the body of the new baby as well as the ingredients to increase the Nervous System’s neurons and the myriad other items suh as the components and cells of the Immune System.  

6.) The other blood vessel, the 3rd blood vessel, is a Vein, its job is to return the “used” blood to the Mother via the placenta and the uterus and on into the Mother’s blood / vascular system in order to refresh the blood with new oxygen for the embryo (the child). This veinous blood vessel also carries the excretions that come from the embryo and inevitably the baby 

7.) Why 2 blood vessels going into the embryo and only 1 blood vessel to return to the Mother? The development of the child “holds” onto much of the incoming nutrients from the 2 arteries for the  development of the body of the child into humanhood.

8.) Technically the single Vein is for EXCRETION of the developmental and metabolic waste products of the child.  

9.) Of course these 3 blood vessels are the UMBILICAL Cord connecting the placenta to the developing child.

10.) Let’s go back a few steps; now that the child is just 16 cells large, 1 cell, just 1 of these 16 cells changes first, this is called DIFFERENTIATION. And this is when and where the Specific Upper Cervical Neuro Spinal Correction Providers mark as the beginning of the Miracle of the Neuro Development of Life.

11.) This 1st Cell to Differentiate out of the total of 16 becomes the Brain, the Brain Stem and the Spinal cord. This initially single cell “erupts” out of / onto the “back” of the other 15 cells and then settles back into them like “sinking” into the couch. This 1st Cell sends out a network of communicative nerve fibers to the other 15 cells and causes them to miraculously develop / divide into all the very many and varied CELLS of the body. These cells make up all of the body’s TISSUES, the tissues make up the body’s 8 ORGANS and all the other body parts.  The nerves coming from the Brain, Brain Stem (Reticular System) and Spinal Cord via the branching out peripheral nerves, control and coordinate all of the the Body’s ORGANS and their SYSTEMS.

12.) Embryological Development confirms that the Nervous System is clearly the Master Organ, the Master System, the entity of Life that adapts organs and the systems of the Human Internal Environment to the External Environment.  The Nervous System is the Computer; as the body’s Organs and Systems are the APP’s to the Computer 

13.) The Nervous System is entirely responsible for everything and every single occurrence and function of the Human Body for its entire Life Span, including all of its Safety and Defensive Mechanisms.

14.) Demonstrating the supreme importance of the Nervous System, the Creator in order to House and Protect the Nervous System has encased the Brain and Brain Stem in a solid helmut, the Cranium / Skull; and the Spinal Cord is placed inside a (mostly closed-in) chain of 24 moveable Vertebrae.

15.) The Brain Stem and the Spinal Cord are joined anatomically below the base of the skull midway down and into the 1st Vertebra…C1 Atlas.

16.) It is well known and documented that the Human Nervous System needs NO HELP in running our bodies, but it is also known that the Human Nervous system requires NO INTERFERENCE in order to operate and make our our bodies function 100%. It is also known, and can be measured that even slight Neuro Spinal Structural Displacement (vertebral misalignment) measured in Degrees and Millimeters, can and does interfere with, and limit, our Nervous System’s control over our bodies. 

17.) When Neuro Spinal Structural Displacement causes the Nervous System to be impeded, or prevented from properly controlling the parts and systems of our bodies, what occurs then is that multiple and simultaneous broad silent body systems Malfunction. As well what also occurs is accelerated tissue and organ Degenerations reducing Quality of Life, as well as reduction of individual Optimal Life Span. As well there is the initiating and developing of the processes of sickness and disease; and slowing or retarding or even the halting of the internal Healing Process in  those sickness and disease cases, and in the cases of Injury repair and healing. 

18.) The Nervous System is the physical Supreme Commander of each of our bodies.

19.) The Nervous System is under the control of an Intelligence, some call it Innate (Inborn) Intelligence; it clearly can be pointed out it is a branch of the same intelligence that created and controls the Universe(s) as we know it. For purposes of information and fairness to all peoples we have intentionally refrained from any Religious connotations here in our meager explanation of some elements of our individual precious Lives.

18.) And now you know why the Specific Upper Cervical Neuro Spinal Correction Provider concentrates on the 1st Vertebra, C1 Atlas.  

19.) C1 Atlas is also the GeoMetric Core of the Neuro Spine; it can, with safety and accuracy, be used as a Lever Arm to restore the Neuro Spine to the Vertical Axis. There are methods capable of doing this. As well it appears that the Hexagonal positioning of the Upper Cervical Neuro Spine demands a stable positioning for neuro integrity.

20.) Providers with different degrees of expertise and accuracy, or Force Vector Marksmanship, are sprinkled (by volume of numbers) around the world ininsufficient numbers.

21.) More Providers with more education and expertise are needed. There needs to be a swelling of the numbers of doctors, students, and technicians.        

22.) So as not to leave the reader “hanging”…to continue…At birth the baby is normally delivered first, then the placenta follows. The umbilical cord must be severed from the infant after it stops pumping arterial nutrients into the child. This cord (blood vessels) must be safely and thoroughly clamped shut until it shrivels, dries out, and naturally separates from the live umbilicus or “Belly Button” of the new baby. At which point the entire process is done and the child is on its and its Mother’s “own” for the primary years of life

23.) It is hoped that this information would be educated to children (and understood) as early as possible in their elementary school years.




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